Michael inducted as Elder

The Rev. Paul Whittle inducting Michael Topple as an Elder of Priesthill URC

Yesterday, in a service of holy Communion led by the Rev. Paul Whittle (Synod Moderator), Michael Topple was inducted as an Elder of Priesthill United Reformed Church.

Michael joins Nancy, Ruth and Lynn as an Elder, a small group of Church members who are ordained and inducted to help lead the Church.

Writing in his own blog, Michael explained what being an Elder means to the Church, and what it means to him. You can read this here: https://michaeltopple.blog/2022/09/18/eldership-new-beginnings/

The Moderator reminded the congregation that it is not just Elders or Ministers who are called by God to Christian service and witness, but that God calls us all. Michael then reflected on this during the prayers, where he quoted a verse of a hymn:

Jesus bids us shine with a clear, bright light,

Like a little candle, burning in the light.

In this world of darkness, we too must shine,
You in your corner, and I in mine.


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